New Faculty Introduced to NC State’s Pack Proficiencies
As NC State prepares to welcome 62 new faculty for the fall 2021 semester, staff in DASA Assessment and the Office of Assessment and Accreditation are excited to introduce faculty to the Pack Proficiencies!
Assessment staff partnered with the Office of Faculty Excellence to include a video module about the Pack Proficiencies, known formally as the General Education Competencies, within New Faculty Orientation. The module outlines the expectations for teaching and assessment within the 5 Pack Proficiency areas.
The Proficiencies are competency areas that all undergraduate students are expected to develop during their time at NC State. Faculty incorporate the Proficiencies into their courses so that all students, regardless of their major, develop skills in creative thinking, critical thinking, oral communication, written communication, and quantitative literacy. These skills are the hallmark of an NC State undergraduate education!
New and returning faculty members who want to learn more about how NC State supports the teaching and assessment of the pack proficiencies may contact Assessment staff at The full video is accessible online:
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