Consultation Services
Units in the Division of Academic and Student Affairs engage in an annual outcomes assessment process. This process is overseen by DASA Assessment with assessment staff providing support for DASA faculty and staff as necessary.
To support DASA units in their assessment work, DASA Assessment provides free consultation services to faculty and staff within the division. We recognize that faculty and staff have varied needs when it comes to their assessment work. This is reflected in the range of consultation services that we can provide. To request a consultation, please contact DASA Assessment staff (
A brief description of consultation services that we provide is below:
- Techniques for writing learning or administrative outcomes that are focused, reasonable, & measurable
- Support for data requests
- Support for outcomes/curriculum mapping
- Strategies for selecting appropriate assessment methodologies
- Support for development of assessment instruments (focus group questions, survey questions, rubrics, document analysis, etc.)
- Feedback on assessment instruments (focus group questions, survey questions and administration, rubric interrater reliability)
- Strategies for data analysis and software support (Excel, SPSS, SAS)
- Techniques and guidance for qualitative data analysis
- Basic interpretations of statistical results
DASA Assessment is available to the Division of Academic & Student Affairs Units to present and provide training on the above topics. Reach out to DASA Assessment to learn more (
For assessment projects that may benefit from a neutral third party, DASA Assessment staff may play a larger role in the administration of assessment instruments and/or data analysis. For example, in spring 2021 Assessment staff supported DASA Marketing and Communications’ division-wide survey. For this project we provided support for survey question development, Qualtrics survey administration, and data analysis. Support for these larger projects is provided at the discretion of Assessment staff. As you are planning your assessment, please contact our office to discuss whether Assessment staff are available to support your project.
Consultation services we do not provide:
- Report writing (we can provide feedback on your report)
- Assistance with curriculum development
- Implementation of unit/program interventions
- Data entry or transcription
DASA Assessment also provides professional development workshops throughout the year. Workshops are listed online. Units may request specific workshops for their faculty/staff as necessary.