External Academic Program Review (UG) Process
1) Self-study: Compiled by faculty and sent to the college and the Graduate School. The Graduate School will distribute to the Division of Academic and Student Affairs (DASA) and the review team.
2) Program Review: Review team reads the self-study, makes the site visit, and evaluates the program.
3) Review Team Report: Submitted to the college, program, Graduate School, and DASA.
4) Program Response to Report: Template created by DASA for faculty to respond to each recommendation: actions to be taken and resources needed (and prioritized) to implement recommendations.
5) College and Department/Program Meeting: The department/program administrators meet with college administrators to discuss findings of review team and resource priorities for implementing recommendations.
6) Revised Program Response: Faculty revise response document reflecting negotiations with college; submitted to DASA.
7) Preliminary Action Plan: Created by DASA from revised program faculty response and distributed to post-review meeting participants.
8) Post-Review Meeting: Department/program administrators meet with the college Dean and Dean of DASA to discuss resource priorities from preliminary action plan, and to address resource needs (1/2 hour).
9) Final Action Plan: Revision of preliminary action plan based on outcome of post-review meeting; sent to post-review participants and Chancellor, and posted on InfoWeb. Updates included in the Annual Assessment Reports for the program.